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Strategic Partnership Working

As a CVS we work with voluntary and community organisations and other specialist organisations in the sector to represent the sector and ensure that its voice is heard and can influence policy and practice locally. This is to enable our ideas, experience and energy influence funders, councils, government departments and policy makers to improve conditions for the people and communities the sector works with and to make the voluntary sector itself more sustainable. In this section we provide an overview of how you can challenge and advocate by using the Compact and Voluntary Sector Framework; contribute to local consultation; identify and support local VSC partnership representatives.

The Compact and Voluntary Sector Framework

A Compact is a voluntary agreement which aims to underpin and support better joint working between statutory agencies, such as local councils, and the voluntary and community sector in working together fairly and productively to improve the well-being of people living and working.

In Essex the Compact sets out principles and standards for a good, open, fair relationship between statutory and voluntary agencies. The Essex Compact is set of guiding principles for county-wide or at least wider than individual district work. There is not a hierarchy and the smallest Compact carries as much authority as the biggest. The Essex Compact was originally produced in 2004, but was extensively rewritten and extended in 2007-8, involving many voluntary and statutory organisations and a public consultation that ended in late January 2008, this new version was adopted in April 2008.

Information on the Essex Compact and its associated codes can be found on the following link:

Voluntary sector representation on multi-agency partnerships

A range of multi agency partnerships exist in the Borough, as well as sub regionally, that impact on services, clients and voluntary and community organisations in Basildon. Some of these also have committees and sub groups. As a CVS we have a responsibility to ensure that the voluntary and community sector is represented and involved in these partnerships and other influential planning groups, and that we work actively with our representatives to ensure that they keep abreast of key local issues.

We also aim to work with our representatives to ensure that they provide feedback on the outcomes of these meetings to the whole sector (e.g. meeting minutes, agendas, newsletter articles etc).

To assist we are compiling a list of such groups and their VCS membership and contact information. Please note that while we do endeavour to keep the list updated frequently, it is only accurate at the time of publishing.

This is a developing list so if you feel that there are other partnerships we should be aware of please let us know.

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