Basildon, Billericay & Wickford Volunteer Centre delivers services around our six core functions:
Brokerage: to match the individual volunteer to the most suitable opportunity; to hold information on a comprehensive range of opportunities; to offer potential volunteers the support, encouragement and information they need to volunteer.
Marketing Volunteering: to promote interest in volunteering and community activity.
Good Practice Development: by promoting good practice in volunteer management in all volunteer involving organisations; to advise on training, workshops and opportunities for potential volunteers, managers and staff.
Developing Volunteering Opportunities: to work in close partnership with statutory, voluntary and private sector agencies as well as community groups to develop local volunteering opportunities; to advise our member organisations of different opportunities and methods to encourage volunteers.
Policy Response and Campaigning: to participate in campaigns on issues that affect volunteers or volunteering; to collaborate on joint issues affecting neighbouring Volunteer Centres.
Strategic Development of Volunteering: to be aware of strategic thinking and planning at a Regional level.